The company had previously unveiled a power pack that homeowners could install in their homes that could serve to power the home as opposed to drawing energy from the grid. As it turns out, Honda has something similar that they are showing off at CEATEC 2017 in Japan this year that comes in the form of a mobile power pack.
As you can see in the photos, Honda’s mobile power pack is indeed mobile as it relatively small and portable. It is a 1 KWh battery pack that can be charged wirelessly when dropped into its charging dock. The idea behind it is that it can be swapped around at charging stations, meaning that if you run out of juice, you can go to a charging station and swap it for a fully charged one.
According to Honda, this battery pack seems to have been designed for electric motorcycles and will require two to power one. Alternatively it can also be used for traveling, like when you go camping and you need the battery pack to power certain things, like lights.