When Google announced its Pixel smartphones last year, it decided to pick Verizon as the exclusive carrier partner in the United States. It appears that history is repeating itself this year. Verizon CMO Diego Scotti tweeted earlier today, confirming that the upcoming Pixel devices from Google will be exclusive to Verizon yet again.

No further information is available at this point in time about the terms of this exclusivity. Many would prefer if it was just a timed exclusive and that the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL eventually made their way to other carriers.

They might not, though, given the fact that the original Pixel devices were exclusive to Verizon in the true essence of the word. They were not released on any other carrier so if Google decides to do that again this year, it won’t really be surprising.

We don’t have to go on guesswork here for much longer, though. Google is due to unveil the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL officially later today. The official details about pricing and availability for these new flagship smartphones from Google will be available in the very near future.

Other carriers like T-Mobile launched promotions to bring over Google Pixel customers from Verizon. Perhaps we might see Verizon’s rivals getting crafty again.

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