Virtual reality (VR) technology might seem like a perfect vehicle for gaming, but recently we’re starting to see how some companies are exploring using the technology as a means of educating and training people. Recently Google did an experiment and found that those trained in VR performed better than those who trained by reading and watching videos.

This means that there is clearly a benefit to using VR, although the extent still needs to be fully fleshed out, but in the meantime it seems that other companies are also interested in the technology, such as UPS who has announced that they will be training student delivery drivers in driver safety using VR.

According to Juan Perez, UPS chief information and engineering officer, “Virtual Reality offers a big technological leap in the realm of driver safety training. VR creates a hyper-realistic streetscape that will dazzle even the youngest of our drivers whose previous exposure to the technology was through video games.”

It seems that UPS isn’t shy when it comes into exploring new technologies. Earlier this year the company explored the possibility of using drones to make their parcel deliveries, where a driver with a van will drive around making his/her own deliveries, while a drone can be dispatched from the back making its own deliveries as well.

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