Given that our phones have displays smaller than our computer monitors, this means that this is something that needs to be taken into consideration when designing apps. Now if you’ve always felt that Facebook’s News Feed was always a bit hard to read on mobile, you’ll be pleased to learn that Facebook is now doing something about it.

The company has recently announced that they will be updating the design and look of its News Feed on mobile to make it easier to read, connect, and navigate. Note that this isn’t a major overhaul of the News Feed, but rather it seems that Facebook is making some subtle changes that you might not even notice.

For example this includes increased color contrast to make the typography more legible, larger link previews, update icons and also reaction buttons to make it hard to press, and also changing the shape of the profile picture frame to differentiate who is posting and who is commenting on it.

Facebook is also making some changes to the comments section to make it easier to see which comments are direct replies to another person, and so on. Like we said these changes are very subtle, as you can see in the screenshot above, but if it does lend itself to a better overall experience, then why not?

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