According to the rumors which has been going on for a while now, WhatsApp could be considering launching a business version of its app, thus giving businesses an official means of using WhatsApp to communicate with their customers. As it stands there are businesses that do use WhatsApp to communications, but this is done so unofficially.

WhatsApp has yet to officially confirm the feature, but a couple of years ago Facebook (who owns WhatsApp) did state that they were considering it, but to date that has yet to materialize. However it seems that we could be getting closer, thanks to the latest WhatsApp beta for Windows Phone which hints at a possible business version of WhatsApp.

As you can in screenshot above, it seems that the latest beta for WhatsApp is now preventing users from using the “check” emoji in their names. This might not seem like a very big deal, but if you think about it, these “check” icons have been used by social media platforms to verify users who are who they say they are, like politicians, celebrities, journalists, and etc.

In the case of WhatsApp, it could be that they are planning on using the same icon to identify businesses who are using their platform to communicate with customers, and so to prevent misrepresentation and fraud, they are barring users from using it in their names, which makes sense.

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