Digital payments services like Apple Pay and Samsung Pay restrict the functionality to their native devices. It’s one of the many ways that companies like Apple and Samsung can increase customer retention in a fast-changing mobile landscape. To that end, it appears that Samsung has a grander vision for Samsung Pay, one which involves bringing the payment service to non-Samsung smartphones.

Samsung’s mobile payments service, called Samsung Pay, is only available on select flagship and premium mid-range smartphones as well as the Gear S3 smartwatch in certain markets. According to a new report, Samsung has held internal talks as well as with OEMs about the idea of expanding Samsung Pay to non-Samsung devices.

Samsung Pay has been able to make a name for itself so quickly because it has support for both NFC and MST (Magnetic Secure Transmission). This is the functionality that enables Samsung Pay users to pay with the app if the merchant doesn’t have an NFC terminal.

Since MST mimics a card swipe, all customers require is a conventional credit card machine. MST is made possible on devices like the Galaxy S8 by a small chip that’s installed in the device’s rear panel.

Today’s report claims that Samsung may integrate that chip into non-Samsung devices to offer customers the full Samsung Pay experience. The other option that Samsung is said to be considering includes an accessory which will bring the full payments service experience to other devices.

Samsung has not yet confirmed or denied the report.

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