Fed up with the traffic situation, last year Elon Musk announced his plans to launch a “boring company” that basically bypasses traffic on the street level by going underneath them. Earlier this year we saw a video rendering of how Musk’s idea could work in real life, but if you wanted something more concrete, you’re in luck.

Musk has recently uploaded a short video onto his Instagram account where he shows off real-world footage of how the boring tunnel might work, or at least in part. The video shows a Tesla (obviously) driving onto a platform. This platform is actually similar to the one shown in the video render which acts as a lift, and will help bring the car up or down, or in this case down into the tunnels where it will be ferried a certain distance before resurfacing on the roads again.

Testing The Boring Company car elevator

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We don’t actually see what happens when the car goes down, but presumably because this is the part that has yet to be complete, although just last month we did hear that the Boring Company did manage to complete its first tunnel section. We’re not sure how many cities or countries will be adopting Musk’s technology, although the city of Los Angeles did state that they are open to the idea. It does look pretty interesting a pretty fun, but whether or not it will actually help ease traffic remains to be seen.

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