Do you like to buy cool stuff related to some of your most favorite movies? Do you happen to have $2 million? Someone answered yes to both questions as they have decided to purchase the original R2-D2 from the Star Wars original trilogy for $2 million. The R2-D2 was auctioned off and someone has decided to spend $2 million of their money to buy this piece of cinema history.

It’s also known that multiple R2s were built while the original trilogy was being shot. Some had actor Kenny Baker inside while others were just used for action scenes. Some of them were cannibalized and re-purposed as and when required.

This particular unit has been created using the many panels and pieces from the different R2-D2 models that were created back then. This results in the most collectively “film used” R2-D2 model in existence, hence the immense value of the thing.

The articulating eye lens and top dome were controller by Kenny Baker in A New Hope. One leg was created for Episode 1 and the two legs were used in Empire. The detail pieces on the actual body were used in A New Hope.

The auction house has revealed on its Facebook page that the winning bid for this contraption came in at $2.75 million. The identity of the wealthy buyer who has spent an outrageous amount of money on what’s essentially bits and pieces of metal welded together has not been revealed.

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