We are starting to see a pattern with Nintendo. Last year the company launched the NES Classic which they then discontinued, much to the disappointment and surprise of many. However there was speculation that the reason was to make way for the SNES Classic, which ultimately proved to be true.

Based on this, it stands to reason that the next move by Nintendo could be to release a Nintendo 64 Classic after the SNES Classic, and it seems that there is evidence of that happening. This is based on a recent trademark filed by Nintendo and reported by the folks at Polygon.

The trademark filed is for an abstract image of the Nintendo 64’s controller, and while it might seem pretty innocent, a NeoGAF user discovered other trademarks for the NES and SNES, in which similar abstract controller drawings were found. This is significant because as Polygon points out, this is pretty much the logo that Nintendo uses for its Classics range.

If the assumptions are correct, then it wouldn’t be a stretch to think that a N64 Classic could be in the works for 2018. Of course we could be wrong, but the evidence is pretty strong, but what do you guys think? Is a N64 Classic in the works for 2018?

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