If there is one piece of software that pretty much been shipped with every version of Windows, it would be MS Paint. While you could hardly call it a robust image editing tool, it was more than capable of getting the job done. However it seems that Microsoft has decided that maybe Paint is no longer worth keeping around.

According to Microsoft, it seems that Paint could be killed off in the next Windows 10 update. Dubbed the Creators Update, this update is scheduled for the coming fall. Microsoft’s support page reads, “The following features and functionalities in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update are either removed from the product in the current release (“Removed”) or are not in active development and might be removed in future releases (“Deprecated”).”

In the list is Paint which has been marked as “Deprecated”, which according to Microsoft “might be removed” in future releases. Note that it says “might”, which means that there is a chance that Microsoft could change their mind. Given the outcry that we’re seeing following this announcement, perhaps Microsoft could give in to their fans by deciding to keep the software around.

We’re not sure why Microsoft has decided that the software will be removed, but who else is going to miss it should the Redmond company decided to go ahead with it?

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