Unlike computers where we can swap between apps quickly, mobile operating systems aren’t quite as quick when it comes to multitasking, plus the lack of keyboard/mouse shortcuts also means a lot more input on our part. This is why it has become increasingly important for apps to be able to offer users features that do not require them to swap between apps.

This was the intention that Viber had when they initially launched Chat Extensions, and now it looks like the developers are back with new chat extensions that will help ensure that you will be able to do as many things within the app without having to leave it. According to Viber, “Now, with our new and improved Chat Extensions you’ll be able to not only send your favorite GIF or Guggy but also send YouTube videos to your friends, book a hotel via Booking, stay in the loop with VICE and listen to music with Spotify.”

According to Viber, it seems that YouTube videos are one of the most popular forms of link-sharing amongst its users worldwide, so with the addition of the YouTube extension, users will no longer have to leave Viber in order to watch videos, and where users can search and share YouTube videos all within the Viber app itself. No doubt this will come in handy when chatting with friends, so do fire up the latest version of Viber if you’d like to check these extensions out.

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