OnePlus is yet to officially unveil its new flagship smartphone but the company ran an advertisement for the upcoming handset yesterday in India. It was the first time that OnePlus provided the public with a proper look at the OnePlus 5. A new leak has surfaced out of China today which seems to reveal the OnePlus 5 price in India for both variants of the new handset.
OnePlus ran the first advertisement for this device during the ICC Champions Trophy final cricket match between Pakistan and India. Viewership numbers are always high when the two rival sides play each other so it was the perfect opportunity for the company to debut its new flagship smartphone.
A poster leaked out of China reveals that the OnePlus 5 is going to be an Amazon exclusive in India. It also mentions that the 64GB storage and 6GB RAM variant of this handset is going to cost approximately $513 while the 128GB storage and 8GB RAM will be priced at approximately $591.
Other specifications include a 5.5 inch Full HD display with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor, a dual camera setup at the back, and a 3,300mAh battery.
The poster also mentions that OnePlus is going to start selling the device in India starting June 22nd, 2017. OnePlus has previously confirmed that it’s going to officially unveil the device on June 20th.