In a tweet by the official OnePlus Twitter account, it seems that the company has pretty much confirmed the design of the phone. As you can see in the image above, the image the company shared is more or less similar to the leak we saw the other day and it really leaves nothing to the imagination. It also pretty much confirms that the phone will indeed come with a dual camera setup.
A continuous hard edge, refined over 3 years.
— OnePlus (@oneplus) June 8, 2017
There have been a bit of criticism leveled at OnePlus based on the leaks which many seem to feel is a copy of the iPhone’s design. In a way that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there are some who are probably hoping that OnePlus would have come up with something a bit more original that would have created a unique look, but we guess we’ll have to wait to get our hands on it to see how it handles.
As per the tweet, OnePlus will be officially taking the wraps off the phone on the 20th of June, so remember to check back with us then if you’d like the official details.