In an interview with Richard Lai at Engadget, Xiaomi’s Senior Vice President, Wang Xiang (who took over Hugo Barra’s role as Global VP), he revealed that the company isn’t quite ready to break into the US market yet due to the fact that Xiaomi’s resources are being stretched quite thin due to the company serving as many as 30 regions.
According to Wang, “Even though we don’t sell [in the US or Western Europe], we feel very sorry for not serving them well. What we’re after is a mass market, a massive impact, as opposed to a premium, elite thing. We want innovation for everyone.” While Wang did not close the door on expanding to the US or Europe, his statement certainly does not sound like they will be ready anytime soon.
Back in 2016, it was suggested that the company could be 1-2 years away from breaking into the US, but based on this it sounds like it could be longer.