Video platforms like Netflix have long had binge watching features where episodes will play back to back until you have had enough. This is done automatically where at the end of one video, the next video will play, meaning you can just veg out on your couch and not lift a finger and you’ll be entertained on hours end.

Oddly enough such a simple feature was not made available to HBO’s mobile HBO Go app, at least until now. Prior to this, users were encouraged to watch one episode at a time, but if you’re looking to binge watch shows, the update will allow you to not only pick up where you left off, but it will keep streaming episodes in a particular series until you’re sick of it or it’s done.

Interestingly enough HBO Now has had this functionality for quite a while now, so we’re not sure what took so long for HBO to finally add the feature to its HBO Go app. Even YouTube in some instances will automatically load and play the next video. The app has been updated for both iOS and Android and should already be live, so you’ll be able to get your hands on the latest update via the iTunes App Store or Google Play depending on your platform.

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