2016 wasn’t too good of a year for Samsung. The company launched the Galaxy S7 handsets which were pretty well-received, but the disaster of the Note 7 pretty much seemed to overshadow the company’s achievements. Samsung is clearly hoping that the Galaxy S8 will fix that, and sure enough it has.

Speaking to the media, Samsung’s mobile business chief Koh Dong-jin revealed that the Galaxy S8 pre-orders have exceeded that of the Galaxy S7. While Koh did not provide any specific figures, last we heard that Galaxy S8 managed to rack up over 500,000 pre-orders within its first two days, and this is only the South Korean market.

This means that combining it with the other markets that the Galaxy S8 is available in, we’re probably looking at possibly over a 1million. It was previously suggested that the Galaxy S7’s pre-orders are about 5.5 times less than the Galaxy S8 which is actually surprising, but it just goes to show that customers don’t appear to be too fazed by last year’s Note 7 mishap, despite the fact that at that time it certainly looked like Samsung was in big trouble.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is set for a release on the 21st of April in various markets around the world, so for those who are interested you still have time to place your orders ahead of its release.

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