That being said, Facebook isn’t quite done with cameras yet and at this year’s F8 conference, the company has announced two more 360-degree cameras in the form of the X24 and the X6. The numbers in the names denotes the number of cameras that are available in each device, with the X24 clearly offering more and being bigger, while the X6 will be more compact.
According to Facebook, “The new camera technology lets you move around within the video scene and experience the content from different viewing angles. This means you can move your head around in the world and see it from different angles — what’s known as six degrees of freedom, or 6DoF — bringing the feeling of immersion and depth to a whole new level.”
However once again as with the Surround 360, Facebook has no plans to actually sell these cameras. Instead they plan on licensing the design of the cameras to a select group of commercial partners, so don’t be surprised if you were to see these cameras pop up for sale online or in a store in the near future.