However before you get too excited, as we mentioned in the title this will “sort of” be Bixby. According to a post by XDA member Ivan_Meler, this will be only bring some of Bixby’s functionality to the Galaxy S7. “Just want to make things clear here this is just hello bixby card just like upday card on samsung or google now card that used to be there on google now launcher Its not full bixby assistant so dont get your hopes so high just yet”
For those who are interested in getting your hands on it anyway, all you have to do is download the Galaxy S8 launcher APK and Bixby APK, install them both and you should be good to go. Whether or not Bixby will be useful to you in this form, or if Google Now cards will actually serve you better is entirely up to you, but we guess the option is there if you want to take it.
No word on whether Samsung plans on releasing Bixby for older devices, but for now maybe Galaxy S7 owners shouldn’t hold their breath.
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