Instagram jumped on to the live streaming bandwagon in November last year. It has since been gradually rolling out this feature to more users across the globe. Users didn’t have the option to save a copy of the live video that they broadcasted to the world after the live stream was over but the company is fixing that today. It has announced that you will now be able to save Instagram live video on your phone once you’re down broadcasting.
Instagram has announced that starting today, users will have the option to save their live video to their phone at the end of a broadcast. This doesn’t change the fact that live videos will disappear from the app itself when you’re done.
However, it does allow users to retain a copy of their live video broadcast and watch it later should they want to. Using this feature is easy. Once the broadcast is over, tap Save in the upper right corner.
Instagram points out that you will only be able to save your video, not the comments, likes, the number of viewers or any live interactions. Tap Done and the live video will be saved to the phone’s camera roll even though it will no longer be available in the app.
This feature is part of Instagram version 10.12 that’s available right now for both iOS and Android.