Sony’s PS4 console has been around for a couple of years now, but it seems that the PS3 console is still being produced. However we guess all good things must come to an end which is why Sony Japan has announced that production of the PS3 over in Japan will be coming to an end soon.

It seems that the PS3 has been particularly successful in Japan, where it even managed to lap the PS4 during its first year, speaking volumes to its popularity and its longevity. Of course by no means does this indicate that the PS4 is a slouch, it’s just that the PS3 was a pretty big deal as far as Sony’s console launches were concerned.

It is unclear as to what this means for the Western market, however we suppose that it probably wouldn’t be a surprise if Sony were to end production soon for other markets as well, and it’s really just a matter of when. Given that the PS4 and PS4 Pro have already been launched, we’re sure that Sony would much prefer to focus their production efforts and resources on the their future endeavors.

In any case this was probably a long time coming as we’re seeing PS4 sales increasing rather drastically. Last December it was reported that Sony had managed to sell a whopping 50 million PS4s in total.

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