We’ve started hearing rumors and reports about the next OnePlus flagship smartphone over the past few weeks. The company simply launched an updated version of the OnePlus 3 last year and aptly called it the OnePlus 3T. Due to several reasons, the company’s next handset is expected to be called OnePlus 5 and not OnePlus 4. It appears that a wallpaper of the new handset has been leaked online today.
The next flagship is expected to be called OnePlus 5 and not OnePlus 4 because the number “4” is generally associated with bad luck in China and it’s quite common for it to be not used often for precisely this reason.
If you’re aware of how OnePlus does things, it’s very common for the company to release a new set of wallpapers before it releases a new smartphone. Infamous Twitter leakster @evleaks today posted what appears to be a new wallpaper.
Now he doesn’t say that it comes from the OnePlus 5 but there’s a lot of speculation online right now about the wallpaper possibly belonging to the new OnePlus flagship. It merits mentioning here that this wallpaper has a different style from the ones that Swedish illustrator Hampus Olsson created for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T.
The company itself hasn’t said anything about a new device at this point in time so we don’t even know if there’s any truth to the rumored OnePlus 5 specs. It’s unclear when OnePlus is going to clear up things, for all we know, it may just be about to release a set of commemorative wallpapers that have no link whatsoever to its next smartphone.
Filed in OnePlus, OnePlus 3T and OnePlus 5.
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