Recently it seems that the company has been dealing with cheaters in their latest mobile title, Fire Emblem Heroes, and it looks like the company has decided to take action against these cheaters. Basically from what we can tell, it sounds like Nintendo is looking to use countermeasures against cheapers, such as limiting access to certain feature temporarily if a player has been discovered to be cheated.
While Nintendo did not exactly disclose how gamers were cheating, some have speculated it could be related to summon orbs, which are used to get new characters in the game. However the grind for these orbs are apparently quite a pain which is why some believe that these cheaters could be using exploits or hacks in order to get them easily.
In any case cheating almost never pays off. Just recently it was reported that Riot Games managed to win a $10 million lawsuit against a company that made bots for League of Legends, so if you want to avoid being locked out of the game or certain features, then maybe not cheating will be a good idea.