The Final Fantasy franchise is such a storied and beloved franchise that it’s hard to imagine that there could be a future where there would be no more Final Fantasy games released. However it seems that there was a point in time where the brand was apparently in danger of slowly fading away into obscurity, but that did not happen thanks to Final Fantasy XV’s success.
Speaking at a panel during the GDC, the game’s director Hajime Tabata revealed that had Final Fantasy XV not done well, there might not have been anymore Final Fantasy games in the future. He was quoted as saying, “In the end, Final Fantasy XV was completed, and it’s finally in everybody’s hands. Within a month of release, we sold six million copies.”
“As I said at the beginning, if we failed this time, there wouldn’t be a next time, which means that probably this isn’t our final Final Fantasy. The series will probably live on.” He went on to add that there were people telling him that the Final Fantasy brand was already “diminished” and “in danger”, but we guess given the game’s success, fans won’t have to worry about the franchise’s future, at least for now.
In the meantime Square Enix still has some games that they have yet to release, such as the Final Fantasy VII Remake which still does not have a release date yet.