Lenovo-owned Motorola confirmed a couple of weeks ago that its new Moto G5 Plus smartphone will be released in India very soon. The handset takes the baton from last year’s Moto G4 and Moto G4 Plus who were both launched on Amazon.in exclusively. The company has gone with another online retailer this time around. In a tweet sent from its official account, Motorola India has confirmed that customers will be able to buy Moto G5 Plus in India exclusively from Flipkart starting March 15th.
Those who liked last year’s lineup will certainly be looking forward to the changes that Motorola has made to the successor. The Moto G series has done very well in India so customers will be interested in picking up the new handset.
The Moto G5 Plus features a 5.2 inch full HD display with a 2 GHz Snapdragon 625 processor coupled with up to 4GB of RAM with 64GB storage. It touts a 12 megapixel rear and 5 megapixel front camera, dual-SIM support, fingerprint sensor, water repellent nano-coating, 4G LTE support, and Android 7.0 Nougat.
Despite confirming when customers will be able to buy Moto G5 Plus in India, the company is yet to confirm how much this handset is going to cost in the country. We’ll likely get that information in the days leading up to the official launch of this handset when it finally becomes available for purchase via Flipkart in the country.
We're sending a whole lot of love your way @Flipkart. Make way for the ultimate #MotoG5Plus! It is time to #Uncompromise! pic.twitter.com/QQ0i3jkWOR
— Motorola India (@motorolaindia) March 7, 2017