Apple introduced the LG UltraFine 5K monitor alongside its new MacBook Pros last year. It’s basically a replacement for the company’s Thunderbolt displays that have not been refreshed for a few years now. Soon after Apple started shipping these monitors, customers started complaining that they were not working as they should be. LG acknowledged that there was an issue and as it works to sort out the problem, Apple has decided to temporarily suspend sales of the LG UltraFine 5K monitor.
Business Insider reports that Apple retail staff have been instructed to keep the product on display but not sell any units if customers ask for them. The scribe confirmed that it got a similar response from a representative at an Apple Store in New York.
LG confirmed that the UltraFine 5K monitor was experiencing glitches if it was placed near certain Wi-Fi routers. The company said that this was due to RF interference as the monitor didn’t have proper shielding and promised that new shipments would have an adequate amount of shielding.
It was noticed last week that shipping times for the UltraFine 5K monitors had slipped to six weeks and it appears that sales have been temporarily suspended now until the new stock is made available which takes care of this problem. The issue does not affect the LG UltraFine 4K display which remains available for purchase.