Using a special combination of expertise in footwear, electronics, and biomechanics, Zhor-Tech are then able to apply adaptive cushioning technology into their footwear. Not only do the trackers installed happen to be one of the most accurate trackers of its kind in the world as users can then use an app to have a better idea on where they have been, the connected shock absorption measurement system will also inform users as to when their pair of shoes need replacing — as opposed to doing so only when your soles run out.
Zhor-Tech has also moved beyond those mandates, and are able to offer an embedded smart heating system that surely comes in handy during those winter months. No longer do you need to let all of your little piggies suffer from the biting winter cold, as the integrated smart heating system will kick into action as and when required. This allows your feet to remain nice, warm and toasty without having to don too many layers of socks.
All in all, it looks like Zhor-Tech are walking down the right path (pardon the pun), and we hope to see many more innovations from them in the years to come.