It was reported in November last year that Microsoft was thinking about replacing the Xbox One Snap Mode with something else. The company has now confirmed that it’s indeed going to take this step and replace Snap Mode on its gaming console. The confirmation comes from Xbox Platform head Mike Ybarra who tweeted that the next update is going to remove Snap Mode from the Xbox One.

Ybarra explained in his tweet that it has been decided to remove Snap Mode in order to improve overall speed, multitasking, reduce memory use, and free up resources going forward for “bigger things.” What those bigger things are, he didn’t explain.

Previous reports suggested that Snap Mode will be replaced with a picture-in-picture model for apps like OneGuide that already allow users to snap the TV feed. It’s expected that Universal Windows Platform apps may soon be allowed to overlay existing apps and games as well.

Examples of this in action can already be seen with Beam, Cortana, and the new Achievement guide. With Microsoft formally confirming that Snap Mode will be no more, it suggests that work on this is moving along nicely and Microsoft may decide to make this official in the near future.

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