For those unfamiliar, Solace Lifesciences is behind NuCalm, a drug-free and all-natural neuroscience technology that helps moderate adrenaline levels in your body. The company claims that after having seen success with NuCalm in the medical sector, they have decided to launch a consumer-friendly version which resulted in ReNu.
According to the company, ReNu “consists of a neurostimulator wearable, mobile app, neuroacoustic software, and supplementation,” which is pretty much what NuCalm is offering except in a portable setup and uses a smartphone app to deliver the same experience, which means that you get to bring with you your “stress intervention” kit while you travel.
It is unclear as to how much the entire kit will cost, or how much it will cost to replenish the supplements, but if you’re looking for a hi-tech solution to your daily stressors, this could be of interest to you. ReNu is expected to be launched this coming fall.