Both of these prototypes were extremely impressive, but unfortunately it seems that they might have been stolen. In a post on Facebook, Razer’s CEO Min-Liang Tan confirmed that two Razer prototypes were stolen at their booth at CES. While Tan did not mention which prototypes, like we said the company unveiled several at CES like the two mentioned above, so it is possible either (or both) Project Ariana and Valerie could have been taken.
Tan also did not mince words as he was not closed off to the idea that it might even be industrial espionage. He wrote, “We treat theft/larceny, and if relevant to this case, industrial espionage, very seriously – it is cheating, and cheating doesn’t sit well with us. Penalties for such crimes are grievous and anyone who would do this clearly isn’t very smart.”
That being said, Razer is currently working with the authorities and the CES show management to address the theft. Will the prototypes eventually be returned? We can only hope for the best.
Filed in CES, CES 2017, Razer and Social Hit.
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