Nest Protect Can Turn Off GE’s Ovens When Smoke Is Detected

ge-connected-ovenThe Nest Protect is a smart smoke detection system as not only does it function as how regular smoke detectors do, but it can go beyond by alerting the user on their mobile devices and more. However a smoke detector can only do so much and if you don’t tend to whatever it is that’s burning, what’s the use, right?

Nest and GE hope to change that and in an announcement by GE, it seems that the company’s connected ovens will now work in tandem with the Nest Protect. What does this mean? Basically when the Nest Protect detects smoke while the connected GE oven is on, GE Appliances will send a command to turn off the oven and the Kitchen app will let users know the oven has been turned off.

This is handy especially if the oven might be the culprit behind the burning/smoking, and if the user might not have heard the alarm or if they were in the shower. Of course this will require you to own one of GE’s connected ovens to fully take advantage of it. If you don’t, the Nest Protect will continue to function, but you’ll have to disable your oven manually in such situations if they arise.

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