nintendo-3ds-xl-newThe fate of the Nintendo 3DS isn’t very clear at the moment following the announcement of the Nintendo Switch, which is a gaming system that works at home and on the go thanks to its portable nature. Nintendo has stated that there are no plans to discontinue the 3DS, but why would gamers buy the 3DS if the Switch is portable, right?

That being said, while the fate of the 3DS is uncertain, Nintendo appears to still have plans for it thanks to a recent post on HackerOne (via Nintendo Life) in which the company is looking for hackers to hack the 3DS console. The reason behind it is to help weed out any security vulnerabilities that could compromise its system.

According to the post, “Nintendo’s goal is to provide a secure environment for our customers so that they can enjoy our games and services. In order to achieve this goal, Nintendo is interested in receiving vulnerability information that researchers may discover regarding Nintendo’s platforms. Currently, in the context of the HackerOne program, Nintendo is only interested in vulnerability information regarding the Nintendo 3DS family of systems and is not seeking vulnerability information regarding other Nintendo platforms, network service, or server-related information.”

Nintendo plans to reward hackers who find vulnerabilities anywhere between $100 and $20,000. Of course the more lucrative bounties will depend on the information and the severeness of the vulnerability discovered.

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