Even Mads Mikkelsen Doesn’t Fully Understand ‘Death Stranding’

mads_death_strandingIn the release of the second Death Stranding trailer, we were surprised when Hannibal and Doctor Strange actor Mads Mikkelsen makes an appearance towards the end of it. Once again Mikkelsen seems to have effortlessly pulled off that creepy vibe which certainly seems to be the tone that Hideo Kojima is going for.

That being said despite him playing some kind of role in the game, Mikkelsen admitted in a recent interview with Birth.Movies.Death. that he himself does not fully understand what is going on in the game. According to the actor, “I mean, you know (Kojima). He’s a very brilliant man. I mean … the stuff he told me? I only understood some of it.”

He also adds, “There was a lot of (mimes being baffled) ‘What?’ I have to see it before I understand. Because with Death Stranding, he’s creating something completely new.” Mikkelsen also revealed that the plot to Death Stranding is very intricate, but unsurprisingly he could not reveal more information that what he had already said.

Intricate plots and epic storylines are kind of a signature of Kojima’s games and what has made him so famous. Death Stranding will be the first game that he will be working on following his exit at Konami and the Metal Gear Solid franchise. No release date has been set yet but we heard a release by 2019 is possible. In the meantime Kojima has teased fans that there are clues that he has hidden in the trailers.

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