foxconn-plantFoxconn is Apple’s main producer of the iPhone. The company is responsible for piecing together all of the various components and assembling them into the final product that many of us know and use everyday. So safe to say that employees at the company are pretty much surrounded by hundreds and thousands of iPhones on a daily basis.

This is also why we can see how there might be some temptation to steal a couple and resell them on the black market. After all iPhones are worth quite a fair bit as far as smartphones are concerned. Unfortunately temptation did get to one employee, a senior manager at Foxconn who now faces up to 10 years in jail for stealing 5,700 iPhones worth nearly $1.5 million in value.

According to the report, the manager forced eight of his surbordinates into smuggling iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S handsets out of the Foxconn plant in Shenzhen between 2013 and 2014. However it seems that these devices weren’t for consumer use and were designated for testing purposes, which is why they managed to get away with stealing so many without alerting anyone.

It was only after an internal audit was conducted earlier this year that revealed the theft.

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