evernoteThe other day Evernote announced a new privacy policy that would come into effect come January 2017. It was rather controversial as it basically stated that employees would be able to read/access your notes. Evernote’s CEO then responded with an explanation that attempted to clear the air, but to no avail.

So much so that in hopes of trying to placate and keep their existing users, Evernote has announced that they will no longer be putting the new privacy policy into effect. Instead the company has chosen to revise the existing privacy policy to address current customer concerns and to reinforce the fact that the data belonging to customers will remain private.

According to Evernote’s CEO Chris O’Neill, “We announced a change to our privacy policy that made it seem like we didn’t care about the privacy of our customers or their notes. This was not our intent, and our customers let us know that we messed up, in no uncertain terms. We heard them, and we’re taking immediate action to fix it.”

He also adds, “We are excited about what we can offer Evernote customers thanks to the use of machine learning, but we must ask for permission, not assume we have it. We’re sorry we disappointed our customers, and we are reviewing our entire privacy policy because of this.” So with essentially nothing being changed, if only for the better, will you be sticking around with the service?

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