To celebrate the franchise’s 20th anniversary, Blizzard has announced a slew of mini-events across their range of games that are related to Diablo. These mini-events can be found in games such as Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, StarCraft 2, World of Warcraft, and clearly and obviously, Diablo 3.
The events will range and vary depending on what game you’re playing, although in some cases like StarCraft 2, it seems that Blizzard will just be giving gamers a Diablo-themed worker portrait. However in other games like World of Warcraft, it seems that players can look forward to a Sanctuary crossover which should give us a taste as to what a Diablo MMORPG would be like.
As for Diablo 3, players can look forward to re-living Diablo 1 within Diablo 3 itself via the “Darkening of Tristram” event which was announced at BlizzCon 2016. The event is expected to be an annual occurrence so if you miss out this year, there’s always next year.