Even though Nintendo has sold close to 200,000 NES Classic Edition mini-consoles in the United States over the past couple of months, demand for this product still exists. It’s one of the most sought after products this holiday season and Nintendo continues to provide more inventory through brick-and-mortar as well as online retailers. Those who have been waiting to get their hands on one will be able to buy NES Classic Edition from Best Buy starting December 20th.

If you’re one of those people who still haven’t been able to buy one of these mini-consoles, keep in mind that Best Buy is only going to have a limited quantity available in its stores starting December 20th.

Going by what we’ve seen so far, it’s very likely that Best Buy stores will quickly sell out of NES Classic Edition inventory when the retailer starts selling the mini-console come December 20th. That’s because scalpers have been picking up units as well and are flipping them online at high premiums. This $60 mini-console is available for a couple of hundred dollars online.

You will be able to buy NES Classic Edition from Best Buy locations starting December 20th. It’s going to be sold on a first-come, first serve basis. If you’ve been meaning to pick one up, head over to your local Best Buy early on the aforementioned day and hope they don’t run out before you’re able to buy one.

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