assassin's_creed_movieVideo game movies have gotten a bad rep over the years, and it is easy to see why. Sometimes pandering too much to fans of the video game will result in a movie that regular moviegoers are clueless about, but deviating too far will see gamers protest. However Ubisoft believes that will change with the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie.

Speaking during a Facebook Live session, Ubisoft’s Azaizia Aymar was quoted as saying that the upcoming film could be considered a “milestone” for video game adaptations in the future. As transcribed by Game Rant, “I really think it’s going to be a milestone movie. It’s going to be the very first time that a video game studio creative works with movie creatives altogether to share a vision and give them the tool to express themselves, rather than have an adaptation.”

Aymar also added, “There’s going to be a ‘before and after’ Assassin’s Creed movie for sure.” That being said, we guess it is part of his job to promote the film, although the trailers for the movie certainly paints it in a good light. We have heard that a sequel has already been greenlit despite not knowing how well the first movie will do, but we guess we’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime who else is excited for it?

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