Last we checked, WhatsApp was boasting about 1 billion monthly active users. Given that the app is available across the world, we guess it made sense for the app to be able to achieve such a high number, but now we know that it looks like the majority of WhatsApp’s users are actually in India.
Considering the populous nature of the country and also how companies like Google and Facebook (who owns WhatsApp, by the way) are making an effort to bring internet services to users regardless of internet speed and connectivity, it would look like their efforts are starting to pay off.
Facebook had originally acquired WhatsApp back in 2014 for a whopping $19 billion. Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg later expressed that he believed that the app had the potential to reach as many as 2-3 billion users, and 2 years later it looks like the app is about a third of the way.