Celio by Nixus aims at making this significantly simpler to empower smaller companies.
Instead of having a custom-made application to drive the live information data, Nixus’ Celio uses Microsoft Excel forms as information containers. A background app tracks the changes in the spreadsheet and syncs the information to the video captioning system. It is a very simple idea, and despite looking a bit hacky, it does free up engineering work for the data-input aspect of the studio work.
The workflow still requires a video box (as seen on the left) that will take two inputs (live feed and information layer) and merge them before outputting the final video stream for broadcast. All of that isn’t really “simple”, but the idea of using Excel to create an information grid in minutes is quite appealing for smaller broadcast companies or crews that are in the field with limited resources.
More importantly, tweaks and iterations can be performed without requiring engineering work. Finally, the graphics are designed with another software package from Nixus.