According to WhatsApp, “When you capture a new photo or video or share one that’s already on your phone, you’ll automatically see the new editing tools. Whether you’re drawing a big red heart to show how much you miss someone or adding your favorite emoji – sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words. Try adding text too, and change the color and font style.”
As you can see in the image to the right, that is an example of what users will now be able to do with the WhatsApp camera. Along with those changes, WhatsApp has also made it so that front-facing flash is supported. What this means is that if you prefer taking your photos in-app, the WhatsApp camera will support front-facing flash, whereas before you’d have to launch your phone’s camera app.
That being said, these changes are rolling out to Android devices as we speak. Unfortunately for iPhone users, it seems that you guys will have to wait a bit before those changes find its way to you.
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