sharp_robohon[CEATEC 2016] When Sharp unveiled the RoboHon, it was marketed as a cute little robot that could keep you company at home, and the ability to project images from its face, so it’s almost like you get to hang out with a friend and watch a movie. However it seems that this year Sharp has revealed that the RoboHon has potential for use in businesses as well.

The RoboHon itself will remain the same in terms of specs and features. However Sharp has started to market the robot for use in places like restaurants, or for use when sightseeing, or it could even act as a monitoring device for use at home. According to Sharp, the robot will be able to take your order, and it will also be able to provide its user with information when they’re out sightseeing, thanks to its built-in GPS that will help make its information more contextual based on where you are.

Its price tag also appears to have remained the same at 198,000 yen, which is close to $2,000 after conversion. It is probably not the kind of thing you would buy on a whim, although restaurants and tour companies could look at it as some kind of investment where it could prove to be more efficient at doing a job that humans would normally do.

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