panasonic-motion-balance-2[CEATEC 2016] As robots slowly start to become a bigger part of our daily lives, naturally improvements have to be made to the existing technology to ensure that robots are capable of doing many different tasks. At CEATEC 2016, Panasonic is showing off a motion-sensing unit in which the idea is to help with a robot’s posture to help keep it upright.

How it works is thanks to a variety of sensors, such as a gyroscope and an accelerometer. It is also compatible with 6-axis, with 3-axis along the X, Y, and Z direction. It will then also use Panasonic’s own algorithm to be able to detect the posture of the robot. One of the examples shown in the video is where if a robot driver car stops suddenly, the contents on the top or whatever it is carrying won’t come tumbling over.

panasonic-motion-balance-1Like we said, with robots becoming a bigger part of our lives these days, such improvements could help to increase their functionality. Imagine being able to apply this technology to the likes of drones where delivery drones will be able to ensure that packages don’t shift around too much during transportation that might damage it.

It could also be used during manufacturing or for lab work where ensuring that things don’t spill or drop are extremely vital.

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