If you’ve been thinking about purchasing the Model X crossover from Tesla, your cost of entry just went up because the company has quietly discontinued the 60D version of the electric car. Now that the cheapest version of the crossover has been dropped the cost of entry has gone up by $10,000 as the 75D is now the base model.

Tesla’s existing electric cars aren’t exactly cheap to begin with so you either have to be loaded or have to safe for a long time to afford one right now. The company is working on a mass-market car called the Model 3 which is expected to hit the road next year.

Since the 75D Model X is now the base model, customers willing to pick up the cheapest Model X will have to pay $85,500 before tax credits. That’s not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, only in relative terms because if you go crazy with the options a Model X can cost you north of $100,000 easily.

Tesla hasn’t said why it made the decision to stop selling the 60D Model X which kept the cost of entry low for quite a lot of customers. Since the company wants to deliver as many electric cars as it can possibly churn out, it’s likely that Tesla will scrap any models that aren’t doing well.

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