Posting in the World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard’s J. Allen Brack and the rest of the World of Warcraft development team wrote, “We’ve seen some talk among the community that you might be expecting to hear some news on legacy servers at BlizzCon, and we just wanted to take a moment to let you know that while we’re still discussing the possibility, we won’t have any updates to share on that until after the show.”
Brack claims that the team has been busy with Legion and the upcoming Karazhan patch which is due for a release tomorrow, so if you wanted more updates on legacy servers you’ll have to stay tuned. It’s hard to tell from this message if we will be greeted with good or bad news, but Blizzard did previously warn that setting up and maintaining separate servers might be more complex and cost more resources than they would like.
Sure, Blizzard could cater to the legacy community, but at the end of the day they are still a company that needs to make money and unless there is a huge demand for legacy servers, it does not make financial sense for them to invest in something that might not net them any returns. In any case BlizzCon will be kicking off next month so check back with us then for more updates.
Filed in Blizzard, Blizzcon, Blizzcon 2016 and World of Warcraft.
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