nintendo-switch-skyrimEarlier today the Nintendo Switch console (formerly known by its codename, the Nintendo NX) was officially revealed. In its promotional trailer, we saw a bunch of games for the console such as Zelda, some kind of Mario title, Splatoon, and what looked like Skyrim. So safe to say that all these games are kind of confirmed for the Switch, right?

Oddly enough despite Skyrim being shown off in the video, Bethesda is non-committal about the game’s availability on the console. In a statement provided to Games Industry, a Bethesda spokesperson said, “We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the video. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of the Switch. We look forward to revealing specific games and details in the future.”

Now there are several reasons for this non-committal answer. Either Skyrim for the Switch still isn’t 100% ready and so Bethesda is trying to temper expectations for now, or Skyrim was used as nothing more than a demo, which would be rather misleading and a move that we’re sure would draw the ire of many gamers, so here’s hoping the former possibility is the real reason.

That being said, Bethesda did state back in August that they weren’t ruling out the idea of developing games for the console. This is quite a change in position considering that in 2013, Bethesda stated that they had no plans to release games on the Wii U. In any case we do know that Bethesda is working on the the remastered version of Skyrim so here’s hoping that we will get confirmation soon that it will arrive for the Switch.

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