According to the company, they claim that one of the potential uses of the Shooter Mini is that when you give someone your name card, you can release a scent so that they will be able to associate that smell with you. Imagine if you own a cafe, and everytime you gave your name card away, you release the smell of coffee. Soon people will start associating coffee with you, and you might start to gain a loyal following.
Other potential uses for the Aroma Shooter Mini is for it to double up as a notification. In places where you have to put your phone on silent, or if you miss a vibration, getting a smell as a notification could be an alternative. Companies will be able to customize the scent by working with Aromajoin, so if you have a particular scent you want associated with your company, that is possible.
As for the Aroma Shooter Mini, the company plans on launching it on Kickstarter in 2017, so we’ll be keeping out eyes out for that.