Apple’s iPod Turns 15 Years Old Today

ipod-touchWith Apple’s iPhones being more than capable of playing music, we guess the need for a separate dedicated music player is becoming less, but who could forget the iPod which is probably one of Apple’s more iconic products. Today also marks the 15th year since Steve Jobs first unveiled the device back in October 23, 2011.

Interestingly enough for such a milestone, Apple doesn’t seem to be too fussed about it as their website remains unchanged in any way that would have marked some kind of acknowledgement or even a celebration. However considering that Apple has been actively making the iPod less prominent over the years, we can’t say we’re surprised.

Sure, some audiophiles might argue that our mobile devices simply aren’t equipped to handle high-quality audio, or that a separate device will help save battery on our phones, but basically the demand for the iPod has gone down over the years. Not only has Apple demoted the iPod to its “Accessories” section, but they’ve also removed direct links to the device on their website.

iPods are still being sold but like we said, who would want to carry about two separate devices when one gets the job done just fine? Of course there is still quite a lot of love for the iPod as we have spotted the original iPods on websites like eBay where the asking price is a whopping $20,000.

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