windows-10-for-phones-demoThe Microsoft Surface Phone is a device that has been rumored about for a couple of years now. Given that Microsoft has their Surface series of Windows tablets and laptops, we guess it only made sense that they would eventually extend the Surface brand to smartphones as well, kind of like what Google is rumored to be doing with the Pixel brand.

Now last we heard, Microsoft’s announcement of the Surface Phone is said to take place by April 2017, but it seems that the date might have been pushed to either late 2017 or maybe even 2018. This is according to a report by ZDNet’s Mary Jo Foley in which she writes, “Surface Phone, if it does materialize, could be considerably later, sources say.”

This is within her report of Microsoft’s Surface plans in which she notes that the Surface Pro 5 might only come in the spring of 2017, and that the Surface Phone will arrive much later, if at all, which is kind of disturbing news as she does make it sound like Microsoft is still unsure about whether or not to proceed with the phone.

As it stands the smartphone market is pretty much dominated by iOS and Android, leaving little room for other platforms such as Windows 10 Mobile. Even OEMs like BlackBerry have started to offer up Android options in order to compete better. In any case it sounds like if you are waiting for the Surface Phone, you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.

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