google-stationMost of us are fortunate to live in parts of the world where have access to a fast and stable internet connection isn’t something we have to worry about. However there are parts of the world that aren’t so fortunate, and as you might have heard, companies such as Google are looking to change that by providing them with free access to internet.

Google’s efforts in India have recently undergone a rebranding and will now be known as Google Station, and it seems that they won’t just stop there. Along with the rebranding, it seems that Google has plans to bring Google Station to other parts of the world in which it will provide users with high-speed WiFi. Right now Google Station is limited to India’s railroad stations, about 100 of them across the country.

However Google is working with local companies such as RailTel and Indian Railways to bring WiFi to 300 more stations over the course of the next year. As we said, Google has plans to expand beyond India and are looking for international partners to help bring the service to other countries.

Chances are for now Google will continue to focus on emerging markets since developed countries like the US already have public WiFi in certain areas, such as Starbucks, not to mention for the most part, internet is readily available.

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