animal crossingYesterday Nintendo made a surprise appearance at Apple’s iPhone event in which they announced Super Mario Run, a timed exclusive for iOS devices which is also scheduled for a release on Android in 2017. Now like we said, this is surprising because last we checked, Nintendo’s next mobile titles were Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem.

These two games were announced earlier this year and were scheduled for a release this fall.  However it turns out that both titles have since been delayed to 2017. Nintendo’s original plan was to release them by 31st of March 2017, so we guess technically they will still be able to make that date, but gamers hoping for a fall launch will be disappointed, and apparently this is due to Nintendo’s decision to release Super Mario Run first.

According to Nintendo, “Super Mario Run represents the next phase of Nintendo’s expansion to mobile platforms, following the release of Miitomo earlier this year. After the launch of Super Mario Run in December, Nintendo plans to deliver its previously announced mobile device titles in the Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem series before the end of March, 2017.”

They also released a statement to Polygon which reads, “Based on a variety of factors, we felt it was most appropriate for Super Mario Run to launch ahead of these other two apps.” It would be understandable if some gamers are a little bummed by this, but judging from what we saw in Super Mario Run, it does look like a fun game so it’s not exactly a complete loss.

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